Tuesday, 28 June 2011

My trusty little pin cushion, made from a old candle holder. ( In the back ground are a baby quilt and flower afghan both thrifty finds) Happy crafting:)

Friday, 24 June 2011

Thrifty finds

This little cookie jar is so sweet and was so perfect for my vintage kitchen. I saw her sitting on the shelf so lonely and had to have her. Such mushroomy cuteness had to be mine. Don't dispare she now sit lovingly on my kitchen shelf full of treats for two my two little bittys. 
While searching for a pretty little hook to safely place my rings, while doing my many many loads of dishes. I came acrossed this red and green painted brass rose. My crafty heart saw her potential and had to snatch her up into my basket. When I got her home I went straight to my craft room to pick a color to transform her into her present glory. Not yet having the flowery box in my kitchen window, she brightens up my sudsy chores. 

One of my favourite finds was found by my husband. Who walked in the door and proudly lifted up this curly leafy metal piece. Which I instantly loved not only for the adorable hubby who thought it was made for me. He looks so handsome up there under Mr morning rooster. 

Monday, 20 June 2011

projects old and new

Here are a couple project I've finished lately....This one was inspired from another blogger. If you know who let me know so I can thank them.

Now how do I decided which WIP to move on to. I can never stick to just one. I start a couple then get inspired with another idea. I have a bit of a pile starting to grow.
This fairy is one of my favorites.

Another beauty I found on a fellow blogger site "two girls being crafty"In the end it will be a giant flower pillow.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Baby biker

Is this not the cutest set of biker you've ever seen! My little bitty going on his first motorcycle ride around the block. He was so happy to go with daddy on the big bike.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Sunshine and flowers

Loving these warm spring days that feel like a early preview to summer.

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Wishing there was more time in my days.

Daisy chains ABC crewel work sampler by Alicia Paulson. This is just beautiful!

I might attempt this yummy pattern from Millie makes. It makes me think of strawberry sherbet mmmmm.

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Best day of the week!

Oh saturday how I love you! Girly movies all day, thrifty finds in the afternoons, crafty nights relaxing with tea and my hubby. The perfect way to end a long busy week with two energetic boys.

Friday, 10 June 2011